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Posted by on 2017/10/16 under Life

There are a lot of things which did not let me sleep tonight. One of those things is how my favourite writer decided to end his life because he could accept the hatred he received from his parents because of him being a homosexual.
He was only 17. He wanted to accomplish so many things in life. He had the most hilarious yet intriguing to-do list. I respected him a lot because he always stood up for what he believed in. All in all he was beautiful inside out.
Why is it that sometimes the world is so cruel to the nicest and purest of individuals? Why is it that we can't accept that love comes in all forms and ways? Why is it that if an individual does not fall under the conventional setup of the society, they are mocked, taunted and troubled for the rest of their lives.
Above all i feel helpless that nobody could stop him from doing what he did and how at his most vulnerable moment there was nobody to help him change his mind and for once albeit for a short span on time focus on all the good things he had in his life or were in store for him.
This is what is keeping me awake today and i am sure i won't be able to sleep peacefully atleast not for a week.

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